Welcome to the Bradbury Christmas Tree Farm
(501) 602-2449
9427 Donna Lane
Mabelvale, AR 72103
The Farm Opens:
November 23 & 24
We’ll reopen on Thanksgiving Day Until Christmas Day
Business Hours:
Monday—Friday: 2pm to 7pm
Saturday & Sunday: 9am to 7pm
Thanksgiving Day & Black Friday: 9am to 7pm
What to do when you arrive?
Pick up a saw… or bring your own.
Pick out your perfect tree. Some trees are tagged with height and price; others are not tagged.
Cut your tree and bring it to the sale shed. If you need assistance call 501-602-2449.
We will give you the bottom of the tag for the cashier or we will measure your tree and give you the price.
We will shake, bag, and help you load your tree.
Christmas Shop
Lots of items for sale to choose from ornaments, jellies, stocking stuffers and much more!